life is hard…for everyone.

I used to think that I didn’t have a good enough story. That my life just hadn’t been hard enough up to this point. When I worked for the church I met people from broken and abusive homes, people recovering from various addictions, people who at one point were homeless or starving and many more. All of their stories were so compelling, how God pulled them (usually through another christian or through the work of a church) out of their otherwise helpless situation and turned their lives around. He literally saved their lives, he rescued them. In many people’s stories there is not a logical explanation as to why they are alive today, the reason is that God preformed a miracle to save their lives when they needed him the most.

Well that always made me jealous…

My story was not nearly as exciting.

It did not involve drugs, abuse, sex, starvation or destitution.

In my mind, I had a good “easy” life, there was nothing miraculous about me being “saved”

At the point in which I felt this way, my story would go something like this:

someone would ask “So S* how did you become a Christian?” or “S* why do you feel called to ministry?”

and I would answer

“Well, I grew up going to church (southern baptist church to be specific) in Southwestern Michagan. My Dad worked for a ministry there called “Life Action Ministries” and we were very active in church. I grew up going to VBS camp in the summer, and going to AWANA on Wednesday nights. I was “saved” when I was about 6 or so baptized when I was 10 years old, and spent much of my childhood memorizing verses for “Bible Drills” and preforming in “Psalty the singing songbook” musicals. Then when we moved to Florida when I was 14, I lost all my friends from Michigan and got depressed, my mom had to force me to get involved in Youth group to try and make some friends (It should also be noted at this time that I was also homeschooled so I couldn’t make friends at school because well I was related to all of them and I was at that age that I didn’t really like my siblings at all *and by didn’t like…I mean I loathed all 4 of them*) But I still had trouble getting to know people and started to fall into the “wrong crowd” aka the kids who “didn’t listen” or were “disruptive” during the sermon on sunday morning. Anyway, they (my parents) encouraged me to get more involved with the “good kids” at Youth group. So I did, and I ended up going on a missions trip the next summer. While I was there, I felt God calling me to missions, and so I committed my life to serving him through missions. During my High school years I tried to run away from that calling, I made friends with people who were not interested in God at all, and started going to parties (but not really ever drinking lol), but I was miserable. The harder I tried to run away the more miserable I became. So much so, that I began “huffing spray paint” because I wanted to feel free from everything. Well my mother soon caught on, and stopped all of that nonsense…she pretty much scared me straight. So after that I looked into College and seminary to find the place I felt God was leading. I landed at Southeastern University in Florida, and spent “the best 4 years of my life” there learning theology, biblical history, and ministry. That was where I discovered my calling for Youth ministry…and that is pretty much it”


I know…yawn…lol

About 4 years ago I met a girl with an epic story.

She was from an abusive home, had been with an abusive boyfriend, had been addicted to drugs, had been raped, had been in a “should have been fatal” car went off a cliff accident and had been taking care of herself/struggling to make it work since she was 16.

She and I became very close…

We shared our stories over many many cups of coffee, and countless cigarettes.

We learned everything there was to know about each other…

and pretty soon, we because important parts of each other’s stories (but that is a subject for a different time)

She and I were talking one night, and I was telling her about some difficult stuff I was going though, and as I’m sitting there crying and telling her how hard all of this (whatever it was) was for me, she said to me “you know S* you need to grow up, its not that difficult, I’ve been through x…y…and z…which is way more difficult than what you are going through…man I’ve been taking care of my own shit since I was 16, How old are you? oh yeah thats right your 25, get it together”

Now in reality it probably wasn’t that harsh…but that is what I heard.

I realized something during that conversation, and subsequent conversations after both with her and with others.

The most difficult thing in my life, is probably going to be a piece of cake for someone else…but that does not make it any less difficult for me.

and vise versa.

people tell me all the time how brave I am for going through with my transition, for changing my gender, and for being so open about it. And usually I laugh it off…because while it is not always easy…its not exactly hard for me either, it is just something i have to do, something I have to deal with, but it is totally worth it.

To someone else though, it could be completely impossible. It could be never in a million years difficult.

Just because it is relatively easy for me, doesn’t mean it will be for someone else.

What I am getting at with all of these stories and ramblings is this simple truth…

You cannot judge someone else’s difficulties through a filter of your own life experience.
Its not fair, and its not right.

You can empathize through personal experience, yes…in fact that is an extremely important part of human connection. But obviously Judgement and Empathy are two totally different things.

Unfortunately we seem to confuse them quite commonly.

*lets get on that people…shall we?*

That would be like a swimmer making fun of someone who cannot swim for being afraid of the deep end of a pool.

which seems ridiculous and quite frankly kind of mean. don’t you think?

So please don’t be like me, don’t let someone else’s experience, discredit your own. Your story is uniquely yours. Your struggles, and your difficulties are just as valid as any other human being’s trials, so please don’t ever feel guilty for feeling like they are fucking hard to deal with. Know that you are a valid and worthwhile person and your story is worth telling. 

So go out and share it…

Dreams the revelation, the realization, the reality.

Ok first I will admit *drunk-ish* blogging probably not the best idea but boy does that bullet bourbon sneak up on a person…and I want to get this out before I lose it…so fucking deal with my slightly slurred phrases already and understand that I mean well…

When I graduated college I had dreams…

So many dreams…

one big one in particular…
I dreamt of going to England and loving people that were otherwise cast out and unloved.
I dreamt of changing the world through the work that I was going to do in England…
I dreamt of starting a revolution…

I realize now…damn…
I was really full of myself…

but that is kind of besides the point

The point is first…I had the goal to start this…and have my life figured out by dec 2013…well shit…its January 2014 and I am NO WHERE CLOSE…to having my life’s goal accomplished…


I’m ok with it…

Not because I’m lazy…

or because I think reaching out and ministering in England is any less important…

but because I realize being here…reaching out…and loving in Sacramento California is what I was meant to do for this season of my life…


So why am I so unfulfilled?

I have spent countless hours…days….weeks…asking myself this question…I have gone over all that I “think” i value in life, and what I “think” will fulfill me, all of what I “think” I want…and I have come up empty handed…and empty hearted…

I have searched my meaning in other people, and in other things…sex and people, alcohol and drugs, money and even work but have still come up empty handed…

I am tired of feeling empty…

so what can I do…

I have spent 4 years trying to convince myself and prove to people (and myself) that being who I am is ok and acceptable, and loved by God, but I cannot seem to find fulfillement…

was I just horribly wrong…?

Will I find fulfillment in being straight and ministering to the community?

The answer is simple…


after months of prayer… months of misery and depression, months of crying and prayer…I have determined (through God…I trust…) that I am unfulfilled because I am not fulfilling what he designed me to do…

For those of you who don’t know me very well you should know I work at an adult store….so essentially I sell sex (good sex mind you… and safe sex hopefully) for a living… which is something that totally compromises what I believe…it devalues it…it makes it normal…makes it acceptable…and encourages behavior that I don’t agree with.

I’m sure %90 of people will think me old fasioned for this statement…but I am ok with that…

I believe Sex is something that should only happen between 2 committed individuals…I believe our culture is far to sexualized, and girls (and boys) are encouraged far too young to have sex or engage in sexual activities that are far above their maturity level… and having stores like the one that I work for…only serve to encourage those feelings even more…

I love that I get to help couples who love each other and are committed to one another have fantastic sex…I really do…but I wish instead of an age limit on our store their was a relationship limit or something…because there is a part of my ethical fiber that dies everytime I whore a product out to a girl I believe is too young to be engaging in sexual activities, or a boy who is to emotionally fragile to be essentially prostituting himself out to these older men (or women).

Now don’t misunderstand…

I love sex…

I think it is fantastic…

I don’t judge anyone for wanting to have, or having sex…I just have a problem with selling things to young people or emotionally damaged people under the guise that sex will make everything better.

since when is that the truth? sex makes everything SOOOOO much more complicated…(but that is another subject for another time)

all of this is to say…

I need a new job…

I want to work somewhere that I can after a day of work go home and feel proud of and not because I helped someone have an orgasm…but because I helped someone have a better day, or month or life… I want to live a story that is remembered for my positive impact on people’s lives, not just their Sex lives…

I want to heal the broken,

I want to speak to the deaf…and have them hear me…

I want to love the unlovable…and I want them to feel loved, not just by me…but by their creator…

How do I do that…? especially when I still need to pay my bills and no one wants a trans man working at their church?! trust me I’ve tried…

I want to feel optomistic about my dreams…but sometimes the reality sinks in…and I remember who I am to the world…I get lost in the idea that I am a freak to the world…I forget that I am just who he created me to be…and his plan is still watching over my life…

I just have to keep believing that love is the answer…maybe if i just keep saying “Hello I love you…” to everyone I meet…that some how some day…it will make a difference…

I have to believe that I will make a difference…especially if I keep pursuing the position I know is perfect for me…even if I don’t have it now…the dream is still alive…

So if you ever feel like me…don’t be discouraged by what you cannot do at the present time…be encouraged by the fact that God knows exactly where you are…and no matter how near or far you are from him he will meet you here…where you are. And no matter how unloved you feel by other Christians or people of faith for where you are in your life…know this…first; someone is always further from God than you…and second;…you are probably the only person who can reach those with his love…

…so don’t you ever stop loving.

When the love stops

The weight of my inadequacy
of which you reminded me
crushing me, pushing me,
dragging me down deeper
into the hole of our failed relationship.

In that never ending abyss
we seemed to be made up
of all your faults and victims;
you and I danced
like a pair of boxers circling the ring
both just waiting for the first swing 

No longer in love
we lived with our arms raised
to save face
and keep pace
with the fight from within our own walls;

who is the victim when offense is really just defense
with no ref to call it
we just kept on fightin
never stoppin to question
why it was we were still trying
to force love back into the equation
of you plus me, plus resentment,
equals our relationship.

When love stops being freely accepted
it stops being freely given.
When whats being taken
is greater than whats being given
there is only so much a man can
take out before he
gives in before he
shuts down.

when expectations are set like Everest
looming so high
he can no longer see the sky
he won’t even try
When unspoken words fill the room
like smog over a metropolis
a haze so thick
the truth can no longer be heard
nothing will be said.

and finally when the love stops,
and everything has been taken,
and everyone stops trying,
and more things are left unsaid than actually spoken,
there is nothing left but emptiness.

Constant Transition…Welcome to life.

Every time my life goes through a major transition I find myself a few months in whining and complaining about just “wanting things to calm down” but they never do. At least they haven’t yet for me.

but you know what?

I’m ok with that, or at least I try to be.

I mean…How boring would life be if nothing ever changed? If nothing ever rocked my world or completely changed all my preset plans and ideas? Where would I be?

If nothing had rocked my world after college…

I would probably be working for the A/G missions board in a foreign country
I would probably be married…to a man…
I would probably still believe being gay was wrong
I would definitely still be a girl…
I would have never met any of the amazing people I now feel privileged to have as my Chosen family.
I would have never met the woman that helped change my life

I might have been happy in that life, the kind of happiness that comes from being ignorant to the other options in life. The kind of happiness that comes from having your mind closed your whole life. The kind of happiness that doesn’t know any better.

If I had known just a little over 4 years ago when I climbed into my car to move across the country to California on a whim; just how much my life would change? I like to think that I would still have done it. Maybe not though…I’m kind of a chicken lol.

For all of that wondering though, I am glad I did it. Because of that move, my life course has been drastically altered, dramatically changed, and incredibly inspired. I will never be able to go back to that person, or that life.

These are the things I remind myself whenever I feel like I do now…

like “God, if you could just chill things out for a bit that’d be great. I just want the calm for a while.”

He always reminds me “Kid, you and I both know thats not who you are…”

I have always had a chronic case of itchy feet (not in the literal sense obviously) I used to say I wanted to be a vagabond…someone who just shows up and sparks a change then disappears again, someone who shows up to help and leaves when they are not needed anymore…Never put down roots, never get too attached to one place.

What I love so much about moving to a new place and about travel is totally romanticized, the challenge of being in a new place, learning the streets, getting to know the people, discovering the culture and history, and being open to trying new things. All of that is beautiful to me, but as I am just now learning…you don’t have to move to experience these things, it just makes it easier.

All of this to say, my life of constant transition is exactly what I asked for when I begged God to let me be a vagabond, just because I live in one place doesn’t mean I am not my own vagabond.

With every change that has come since I moved to California I have had to adapt, learn, grow, help, heal, and grow.

I have had several HUGE changes over the past 4 years, I changed my relationship (3 times now), my sexual orientation, my gender, my name, my job, my beliefs, my address (6 different times over 4 years…yikes!), my friends and my family.

The biggest being: When my partner of 3 years and I broke up 4 months ago I felt like I had to start my life in sacramento over again…I literally had to relearn everything.
We came out into the LGBT community together, so I felt completely alone when we broke up. Everyone I had formed relationships with over the past 3 years had been friends with both of us, so I felt like I had to start new with everyone. Thankfully I was wrong about being alone, I really have amazing friends.
I had only ever lived in Midtown WITH Beth, so when we broke up, I had to find a new place to live, and new places to hang out that didn’t make me miss her terribly. This also was inevitably a good thing. It caused me to fall in love with this city all over again.
I had never been single as a man…this was (is) quite the learning experience…Things are so different for boys.
As silly as this is, I have always had a car…until now, so I’ve had to learn how to get around on a bike (which I LOVE) but it has been quite the challenge as well.

All of this is to say, I didn’t need to move away to get a change, even if I didn’t want it at the time.

For as much as I bitch about change and hate the transition, I wouldn’t want to imagine my life without it.

So don’t hate on the transition, embrace the journey because the best roads are winding. When you look back you’ll be glad you came the way you did, because its making you who you need to be.

Welcome to my blog. 🙂